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Book about Turkish crime (video)


Today there was Professor Mikael Hayrapetyan’s “Братская помошь пострадавшим в Турции армянам” book’s presentation in the University after Brusov. There is data about 1894-1896, when Turks bombed 3000 Armenians. Mikael Hayrapetyan’s book publication process started in 1990. “That year 20.000 copies were ordered by “Hayastan” publication. But it didn’t happen for evident reasons, Soviet Union collapsed.” After that the author turned to many people for help, but there was nothing. Though, “Recently I have met a young man, who is Armenian businessman. He agreed to help me.” Yerevan State Linguistic University dean Gayane Gasparyan congratulated Mikael Hayrapetyan in her speech and informed that Mikael Hayrapetyan was appointed Russian language and Culture Center head of YSLU.