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Political analyst: Armenians do not speak about their claims (video)


The most important thing of the past week was the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by Austria and Germany –two allies of Turkey during WWI, says political analyst Sergey Minasyan. “In the meantime, Turkey is again attempting to deny a historical event for which different countries have sought forgiveness,” he said. The political analyst says now we have all entered a new phase and are waiting for Turkey to apologize before Armenians but ‘it is not going to be an easy process.’ “We have a large Diaspora and heirs of Genocide survivors who live in Armenia who will continue to raise their claims. This should be a consensus on this issue of national significance reached in result of serious discussions, but we have not reached that point yet. Currently, the most important question for us is the recognition of the Armenian Genocide and we cannot simply speak about our claims at this moment,” said Mr Minasyan. The political analyst says he also understands the contradictory approaches on the issue: some want Turkey to apologize to Armenians for the crime, others want Turkey to return us our lands. Asked whether Erdogan-led government in Turkey might recognize the Armenian Genocide, Mr Minasyan said, “I do not think that Erdogan will ever recognize the Armenian Genocide but Erdogan will not stay in power forever, and I do not rule out that his political team or his successors will be as persistent as Erdogan is and continue to country’s denial policy.”