Բացել լրահոսը Փակել լրահոսը

«Միսս-ԱՊՀ-2017» մրցույթի հաղթողը հայտնի է (տեսանյութ)


Հայաստանում առաջին անգամ անցկացվող «Միսս ԱՊՀ» միջազգային գեղեցկության մրցույթում «Գրան-պրի» մրցանակին արժանացավ Հայաստանը ներկայացնող Շուշան Երիցյանը ։ ժյուրիի կազմը Շուշան Երիցյանին  ճանաչեց  մրցույթի հաղթող: Ընդհանուր առմամբ մրցույթին մասնակցեց  24 գեղեցկուհի, որոնք հաղթել էին իրենց երկրներում անցկացված նախընտրական փուլում։ Մասնակիցները 18-ից 25 տարեկան գեղեցկուհիներ էին:   [caption id="attachment_1548599" align="alignright" width="800"]Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1548597" align="alignright" width="800"]Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex[/caption] Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex [caption id="attachment_1548601" align="alignright" width="800"]Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1548602" align="alignright" width="800"]Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1548603" align="alignright" width="800"]Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1548604" align="alignright" width="800"]Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1548605" align="alignright" width="800"]Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1548606" align="alignright" width="800"]Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1548607" align="alignright" width="800"]Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1548608" align="alignright" width="800"]Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1548609" align="alignright" width="800"]Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1548610" align="alignright" width="800"]Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1548611" align="alignright" width="800"]Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1548612" align="alignright" width="800"]Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1548613" align="alignright" width="800"]Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1548614" align="alignright" width="800"]Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1548615" align="alignright" width="800"]Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1548616" align="alignright" width="800"]Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1548617" align="alignright" width="800"]Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1548618" align="alignright" width="800"]Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex Final stage of ‘MISS CIS 2017’ international beauty contest took place ‘Pharaoh’ entertainment complex[/caption]