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Armenia tries to attract American tourists

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People who are responsible for tourism development in Armenia tell the Voice of America that the Smithsonian Festival in Washington is a good opportunity to introduce Armenia to potential tourists. "In general, it is a good initiative for Americans, as well as to foreigners here, to represent Armenia and to show interest towards Armenia," said Ara Khzmalyan, Executive Director of the Tourism Development Fund of Armenia. According to Ara Khzmalyan, the important thing is that the both festival in Washington and the growth of interest towards Armenia after the Velvet Revolution will be used correctly for the development of tourism in the country. "Armenia is not only a museum in the open air. Today Armenia has a new image, a much richer tourism palette. Armenia has a modern life. Yerevan is booming with youth." This new Armenia is represented by Hripsime Grigoryan, President of the Tourism Committee in the United States, who has met with US tourism agencies and media outlets in New York, Boston and Washington. "We already have specific strategic arrangements, such as establishing a tourism office in the US, arrangements with businessmen, organizing a cognitive visit of American travel agents to Armenia which probably will be held this fall." According to Hripsime Grigoryan, her meetings in the United States showed that despite the Diaspora's efforts to present Armenia to the world, there is a great need to inform the public about Armenia. Moreover, today's Armenia can act as attractive and safe destination for tourists. "A country where revolution took place months ago, but that revolution was the most democratic, the most non-violent way possible."