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Vahan Shirkhanyan was examined not treated

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Yesterday Vahan Shirkhanyan, defendant along lines of the case of the armed group and former Deputy Minister of Defense, was transferred from the civilian hospital to “Yerevan-Kentron” penitentiary institution. As Vahan Shirkhanyan’s advocate Hayk Alumyan told “A1+”, Shirkhanyan didn’t receive treatment in the hospital, he simply underwent examinations. Vahan Shirkhanyan was transferred to the hospital, when in connection with his health condition the ECHR addressed five questions to the RA Government, for answering which the Government had time until February 22. “They weren’t concerned about his health condition, they simply must show documents to the European Court of Human Rights,” added the advocate. Hayk Alumyan told that on Monday those documents will be sent to the ECHR. Vahan Shirkhnyan has serious problems connected with spine and is not able to move on his own. He is not able to attend court hearings and asked for a stretcher.