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It’s still cold in some schools (video)


The attendance in Yerevan schools has been restored. Though weather remains cold, the air temperature in the classrooms is stable. The picture was different when the classes started after New Year holidays. It was hard to heat the classrooms even in case of additional heating. The representative of the Municipality states that the schools were heated even during the holidays. There was an instruction not to turn off the heating. Gayane Soghomonyan, Head of Department of General Education Staff of the Municipality, confirms, “Directors know how much additional finance will be needed in case of turning off and again turning it on.” The problem is building facilities. Some Soviet buildings don’t get warmer even when the heaters are on the highest temperature. The classes weren’t postponed even on the coldest days. At the instruction of the representatives of the sphere, only the starting time of the classes has been changed, 09:00-10:00, but not in all the schools. In some schools classes last 30 minutes instead of 45 minutes. And the directors of the schools are to decide when the pupils will shift to their previous regime. According to meteorologists, cold weather will return this week. Tomorrow it will be snowing in the whole republic, and on February 2-3, the temperature will fall 30 below zero. Watch details in the video!