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People threatened and beaten in Sevan on the eve of elections


The atmosphere is extremely tense in Armenia’s Sevan city on the eve of the October 2 mayoral elections. According to our reliable sources, reports about violence and cases of pressure on voters, which were observed throughout the campaign, have multiplied. Several groups, best known for their criminal behavior and led by a man nicknamed Kbo, walk about the districts and intimidate the youth, forcing them to vote for their candidate. All those who show resistance, are threatened and beaten, deprived of property and dismissed from work. Even traditional methods of electoral fraud are applied in the city where schools and state agencies back and advocate for one of the candidates, offer election bribes, etc. Our source, who wanted to remain unknown for security reasons, reports that several people attacked and beat the nephew of Sevan Mayor Rudik Ghukasyan in broad daylight and in the presence of dozens of citizens after he tried to prevent bribing of voters. Residents of the city fear that if similar incidents remain unpunished, it may come to bloodshed on Election Day. Rudik Ghukasyan, the incumbent mayor of Sevan, Sargis Muradyan, Deputy Director of Sevan National Park, and Ara Smbatyan run in the Sunday elections in Sevan.