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Action: Arayik Khandoyan’s relatives trying to see him


At this moment shouts “We’re Sasna Dzur”, “Sasna Dzrer”, “Arayik”, “Ara” can be heard in the yard of the Court of General Jurisdiction of Arabkir and Kanaker-Zeytun administrative districts. At this moment, the court is discussing the mediation to extend the precautionary measure of “Sasna Dzrer” group members Ara Hakobyan and Arayik Kandoyan for another two months. Today the court will also discuss the mediations for extending Varuzhan Avetisyan’s and Gagik Yeghiazaryan’s precautionary measures for another two months. As Arayik Khandoyan’s relatives haven’t been able to see him, at this moment they have gone to the court backyard and climbed the wall to see him.