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AMD 1 billion from budget for property of Sports and Concerts Complex (video)


Today, Arman Sahakyan, Head of State Property Management Department of the RA, presented a project at the session of Government, about buying movables and real estate worth AMD 1 billion from the Sports and Concert complex after K. Demirchyan. According to this proposal, more than one billion drams should be allocated to the Department. To remind, the Sports and Concert Complex has been declared bankrupt and renamed to “Sports and Concert Complex after Karen Demirchyan” SNCO. Now the Government is going to use the budget means for buying the property of SNCO and again providing to it for free use. The Prime Minister had a remark: “What movables are those billions? I understand that it is a burden and it is hard for the business service, but we don’t have other options, we must have a right governor. All the complexes all over the world earn money. We have to give this sphere to a governor, telling him not to ask money from us, but he himself get profits and pay taxes.”