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Village headman: “It’s possible that Aghavnadzor may stop growing grape”

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“Today in the evening the leadership of Vedi Alco will meet with the villagers of Aghavnadzor,” village headman Ashot Galstyan informed in the interview with “A1+”. He says that AMD 140 million debt has been collected from last year’s grape purveyance; the sum hasn’t been paid until today. To remind, just for this reason today the first bell hasn’t rung at the school of the village; the villagers refused to take their children to school. The village headman says that now the villagers don’t think about taking other ways of protest, for example, about closing Yerevan-Meghri highway. “It isn’t a protest, we say ‘Give us money’ so that we can survive,” he says. If the money isn’t paid, the village headman even doesn’t want to predict what may happen, “What can we say about the unpredictable mass?” The fate of this year’s grape harvest is also unknown; the village headman doesn’t know what they will do with the harvest. Ashot Galstyan doesn’t exclude that Aghavnadzor may stop growing grape. “If it continues in this way, of course, we will stop cultivating,” he says.