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Pavel Manukyan: “There are no talks”

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The authorities removed doctors from the territory of Erebuni police compound. Pavel Manukyan, member of Sasna Dzrer (Daredevils of Sasoun) armed group, informed “A1+”. He learnt from “A1+” that overnight the police cleared Khorenatsi street of demonstrators, but he didn’t get concerned about it, “They cleaned, but at night people will again gather.” In reply to the question whether after the removal of the demonstrators, the authorities aren’t tougher in the talks, Mr Manukyan answered, “There are no talks; I cannot see anything like that.” He is aware that something is being discussed through Alek Yenigomshyan.  In reply to the question why Serzh Sargsyan remains silent, the gunman said, “When isn’t he silent especially during conspiracy.” The latter also learnt from “A1+” that the NSS doesn’t consider them to be terrorists anymore, but an armed group. “But it doesn’t change much,” he said. What the gunmen of Sasna Dzrer are called, according to Pavel Manukyan, wasn’t a topic for discussions, “Don’t the people know that we aren’t terrorists, we are armed rebels.” He hopes that the people will take to the streets and that they will join them. By the way, he also informed that the issue of food hasn’t be solved and it isn’t known what will happen.