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Monument dedicated to Ararat 73 to be installed in Yerevan


Tomorrow Yerevan Council of Elders will grant permission on installation of the monument dedicated to the USSR champion 1973 and the USSR Cup winner, legendary Ararat 73 football club in the western territory adjacent to Hrazdan stadium near Tsitsernakaberd highway. The mediations have been submitted by the Armenian National Olympic Committee and chief architect of Yerevan city Tigran Barseghyan. The author of the monument dedicated to Ararat 73 is sculptor Vladimir Antashyan. According to another decision of Yerevan Council of Elders flats will be provided to the families of servicemen killed in Artsakh War. Flats will be provided to the families of volunteer Sargis Khalafyan, contractual serviceman Hrachya Muradyan and conscript Manvel Gevorgyan.