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Korean peace walk arrives in Yerevan


Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (“HWPL”) organizes the 3rd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and the IPYG Peace Walk​ in Armenia on May 25th. This is a peace event that transcends border, race, age, gender and religion for all youth around the world to participate with one heart and mind for peace. This annual event has begun at the Peace Gate located in South Korea which was to commemorate the Declaration of World Peace on May 25, 2013. HWPL will have a peace signing campaign to urge and support the implementation of international law on the cessation of war and world peace, it will surely be enacted and give practical hope for the youth who are the most victims at wars. Also, this will serve as a momentum to strengthen the hearts and power of the youth and women in the region by making great network of peace as well as join our global peace activities in cooperation with IPYG and IWPG. Here is detailed information about Yerevan Peace Event Title : 3rd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and the Peace Walk Sub Title :   "Legislate Peace" Campaign - Sign Your Support Place : From APY Office to Yerevan Streets. We will start the event at APY office. Saryan street, Tumanyan street,  Teryan street, Swan Lake,  Republic square, Northern Avenue, Cascade Time : 5~8 p.m.(In Armenian time) Programs :  5:00 - 6:00  Opening with Videos regarding HWPL and IPYG Chairman and IWPG Chairwoman at APY Office ( cf. Only presidents of the organizations can go inside of the office because it can't accommodate many people.) 6:00 - 6: 30 Reciting the Declaration of World Peace 6:30 - 8:00 Peace Walk and Peace Signing campaign Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (“HWPL”), an international peace organization focusing on fostering a culture of peace with a hope of bringing about the cessation of war. HWPL has been working to put an end to all wars and to bring world peace. It is registered under the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Along with the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) and the International Women's Peace Group (IWPG), HWPL is taking the lead in creating world peace by launching a world-wide movement that transcends nationality, race, religion, and culture and have brought various disputes and conflicts to the end. Two projects right now are to enact International Law for cessation of war and to establish HWPL WARP Offices.​