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Henrikh Mkhitaryan meets one of his fans


The dream of Yerevan citizen Karlen came true this night. The 13-year-old boy with Treacher Collins syndrome met his favourite football player Henrikh Mkhitaryan. Last week Mkhitar Hayrapetyan, the organizer of the meeting, met Karlen and learnt about his cherished dream. After the meeting, Mkhitar opened a group in Facebook, urging all caring people to help him establish contact with the famous football player of Armenian descent. The meeting eventually took place thanks to supporters. “Karlen’s joy is beyond description. I can only convey his words. “The meeting with Heno will give me the strength to move forward. I felt that Heno really love me,” Mkhitar Hayrapetyan said to A1+. The three have decided to mark March 22 as a special day.