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What prevents Ashot Bleyan from creating Eden in Bangladesh district? (video)

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A conflict has broken out between two schools in Yerevan over a garden planned to be created in the neighbourhood by Mkhitar Sebastatsi Educational Complex. The administration of the complex has decided to create green space without walls, while their counterparts in neighbouring School N 181 want to build a wall just in front of the garden. Mkhitar Sebastatsi also plans to have cycle lanes and tracks in the area. The administration says not only pupils but also residents of the nearby buildings can walk there. “We want to beautify this area and make it a comfortable place for everyone. Either this garbage, stones and dust will enter our homes, preventing us from enjoying our lives or we shall get rid of them. We want to make this neighbourhood Eden of Bangladesh [district],” said Ashot Bleyan, Director of Mkhitar Sebastatsi Educational Complex.