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Levon Ter-Petrosyan: “The more real people participate in the referendum, the more objective the results of the referendum will be” (video)

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Short time ago first president of the Republic of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosyan cast his vote in referendum on constitutional amendments at Yerevan 9/11 polling station. After the voting journalists asked Levon Ter-Petrosyan to comment on Serzh Sargsyan’s statement that the statements of the first and the second presidents against the constitutional amendments are evident, “You always speak of respecting the law, why are you violating the law right now? At the moment you are speaking of voting in favor or against. At first I want to say that I urge the people to come and to cast their vote freely, on their own free will. And I am also convinced the more real people participate in the referendum, I repeat, the more real people participate in the referendum, the more objective the results of the referendum will be.”