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Who benefits from driving a wedge between Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh? (video)

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Nothing can drive a wedge between Armenian and Nagorno Karabakh, thinks ethnographer Hranush Kharatyan. But we must always remember who can benefit from such a wedge, “It is beneficial both for the RF and the old but not favorable neighbors, but in Armenia and Artsakh it isn’t beneficial for anybody.” The conversations about driving a wedge seem not to be serious when the RA and the NKR politicians speak about it, “When they say that some people are trying to drive a wedge, I think that just those, who say it, are trying to drive a wedge, as they don’t mention whom they mean by saying “some people” or how they are doing it. So it becomes an absurd and meaningless expression.” After Berdzor events, when the members of the Founding Parliament were beaten in Artsakh, conversations on this topic have been activated. The ethnographer says, “Bako Sahakyan, Serzh Sargsyan, Police Chiefs of Armenia and Artsakh are the same people with the same views, the same behavior and pass their tasks to each other like communicating vessels.” Mrs. Kharatyan notes that the Soviet authorities tried to isolate Armenia from Artsakh for 70 years. Now the NKR authorities do it. Especially Deputy Prime Minister Arthur Aghabekyan’s words have angered her. Our citizens consider unacceptable all the attempts to drive a wedge between two Armenian societies. Watch the video!