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Russia is ready to instigate ‘Maidan' in Yerevan and Baku (video)

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Who has the key to the solution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict? Azerbaijani political analyst Zeynal Ibrahimov says even if Armenia and Azerbaijan come to terms, Russia will instigate ‘Maidan’ in both countries. Political experts Zeynal Ibrahimov and Ruben Mehrabyan, the guests of the newly-launched Red Bridge programme, are unanimous that the Karabakh conflict was a mine planted during the Soviet years which exploded at a convenient time. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia disappeared in such a way as to be able to reappear at any moment.  No matter how important the role of an elder brother [Russia] is, the other two co-chairing countries of the OSCE Minsk Group can have equally important roles. However, until now they have been trying not to counteract Russia. The political analysts are confident that there are not insoluble conflicts.  The same is true about the Karabakh conflict. For more details watch the programme which will be webcast on A1+ at 8 p.m.