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BHK Leader holds meetings ahead of October 24 rally


The board of the Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK) today held a meeting at the BHK headquarters. The meeting was chaired by BHK Leader Gagik Tsarukyan, BHK Leader’s spokesperson Iveta Tonoyan told A1+. Among other issues, the participants also discussed the next rally to be held by the BHK, Armenian National Congress (HAK) and Heritage in Yerevan on October 24. Gagik Tsarukyan informed his teammates that he would deliver a keynote address during the rally. Iveta Tonoyan did not reveal more details. She added that on Tuesday evening Gagik Tsarukyan met with HAK Leader Levon Ter-Petrosyan and today he is shecduled to meet with Heritage Party Leader Raffi Hovannisian.