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“Classic integration slavery” threatens Armenia


Armenia is going to sign the agreement of joining the Eurasian Economic Union on October 10. European research center head Arthur Ghazinyan, who has examined the agreement draft, says, “There are inner contradictions”. He cites this part from the agreement draft of the Eurasian Economic Union: «Решения Высшего совета, связанные с nрекращением членства государства-члена в Союзе, nринимаются по nринциnу «консенсус минус голос государства-члена, уведомившего о своем намерении nрекратить свое членство в Союзе». “It turns out that if Armenia decides to leave the Eurasian Union, that decision must be made by Eurasian Higher Council without taking into consideration the voice of Armenia. It is classic integration slavery, by which member countries are deprived of their sovereign right to decide their future in the regional integration processes. If any member of the Union is against Armenia’s leaving the Union, Armenia must continue its membership against its sovereign will,” – says Arthur Ghazinyan.